One Direction 2015
Si tu connais bien One Direction ça va bien aller.
tarafından miss one direction
10 konular
1. Who is afraid of spoons ?
a Louis
b Zayn
c Liam
d Harry
2. Who is irish ?
a Louis
b Niall
c Liam
d Harry
3. Wich is the oldest ?
a Louis
b Zayn
c Liam
d Niall
4. How tatoo has Zayn ?
a 21
b 18
c 15
d 27
5. Which is all the time looking in the mirror ?
a Louis
b Zayn
c Liam
d Harry
6. Who loves cats ?
a Louis
b Niall
c Liam
d Harry
7. Their concert tickets were sold in...?
a 15 minutes
b 16 minutes
c 20 minutes
d 10 minutes
8. What their favorite sports ?
a Music
b Football
c Rugby
d Handball
9. Who is Kevin ?
a A turtlr
b A pigeon
c A goldfish
d A dog
10. Liam loves...
a Tomatoes
b Carrots
c Chocolate
d Ketchup